
Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Smear fear follow up

Hi everyone,

I am writing this post to let you all know what happened after I wrote my blogpost on smear tests. As those of you who have read it know, it was my first smear test and I was naturally nervous. The experience was nowhere near as bad as I imagined it to be, and I was quite happy waiting 2 weeks for my results to come in the post, when.....they arrived a week early.
'Oh no' was my first thought, 'why are they early' was my second, and thirdly came sheer panic. I opened the letter, and read it slowly. It explained that my results could not be obtained from the lab either because of a problem with the sample or the equipment. Great!!!! Why me!!!!! 
I didn't know what to do, so I cried! I shouldn't have got myself so worked up without ringing the doctors to discuss the letter, but it really upset me thinking that there was something wrong with me. I was upset for 2 days before my mum persuaded me to ring the doctors. I called them as soon as I woke up in the morning, and spoke to the nurse practitioner at the surgery. She explained that their copy of my results were written in more detail, and revealed that my sample was 'inadequate', meaning that not enough cells were taken during the test. 
This immediately put me at ease, knowing that it wasn't anything to do with me or my body! Phew!!! I now have to wait 3 months until I can be re-tested..because it takes this long for the cells to be replaced on the cervix. 
This whole experience was nerve wracking, and I was hoping I would be done for 3 years! Hopefully after this next test, I will be!!!

Any questions? Let me know and leave your links for me :)

Love Kirsty xxx


  1. Never done a smear test before and I'm sure I'd be just as nervous as you were :)


  2. It's only natural I suppose to feel nervous! Thanks for the comment lovely xxx
