
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Ladies: Do not fear your smear!

Hello lovely ladies!

I have written this post because I was recently invited for my first smear test, and was inevitably worrying myself stupid about it! I was determined however to go for the procedure, as my mum had drilled it into me that it could potentially be life saving. 

After the letter arrived
So, I rang the doctors and made the appointment for a week later. Slowly but surely, the dreaded day arrived and I was very nervous. I felt sick, tired, dizzy and generally off colour. I was tempted to ask my mum to come with me, but at 25 years old I have decided that I must become more independent! So I went on my own! 

At the doctors
I informed the reception of my arrival, and took a seat. This is when I began to feel warm and flustered, so I began to read a magazine to try and take mind off the test. It didn't work! 
Fortunately I wasn't waiting too long before my name appeared on the screen, and I made my way to the nurses room. I was greeted by the lovely nurse, who asked me to take a seat whilst she asked me a few questions such as 'when was your last period?', 'are you using any contraception'. 
She then showed me to a small bed with a curtain pulled round it, and told me to take off my bottoms and underwear. (I imagined this to be highly embarrassing but it wasn't in the slightest!). I then popped myself onto the bed and the nurse began to talk me through the instruments. She showed me a transparent plastic looking object called a speculum which would be placed inside my vagina and would expand to reveal my cervix. She also showed me what I can only describe as a tooth brush looking device which would be used to scrape cells from my cervix. She then turned on a bright lamp. The test was about to begin!

The test
The speculum was carefully and slowly placed inside my vagina and was opened up to reveal my cervix. This was not at all painful, however I did feel a slight stretching sensation as the speculum was expanded. The nurse then used the brush to scrape the cells, I did not feel this at all despite the brush feeling quite harsh and rough when I had touched it before the procedure. She then removed the speculum and the test was over, in approx 2 minutes! No pain, no fuss, nothing to worry about! 

So what happens now?
Now I have to wait for my results, which will be sent to my house in 2 weeks time. The results will either specify that: the cells were normal, mildly abnormal, abnormal, or highly abnormal. If normal, I will be called back in 3 years for another routine smear test. If abnormal cells are found, I will be tested for the hpv virus (a virus that can cause cervical cancer). If this is clear then I will be called back in 6 months for another smear to see if the cells have returned to normal. If highly abnormal cells are found, I will be sent to my local hospital for treatment, where a micro camera is inserted into the cervix to locate the abnormal cells, and a biopsy will determine what happens next I.E. Treatment for cervical cancer. 
Either way, early detection is key!

So for those of you who have received your invited for your smears, please don't be afraid. The procedure is painless, takes under 2 minutes to carry out, and isn't embarrassing at all. 
Most of all, it could save your, a friend's or a relative's life. So make sure you set an example, and go for your smear test! 

If anyone has any questions they would like to ask me, please comment below. I would love to help! 

P.S. You can take other measures to ensure you know your body and to make sure that you stay healthy. I'm talking about checking your breasts. 
Wait until you are in the bath/ shower, and use your shower gel to make it easier to feel around your breast for any lumps, bumps or abnormalities. 

Can't be bothered?
Well, my mum was diagnosed with Breast cancer in April 2012, and I have witnessed first hand what she has had to go through, and let me tell you, it was horrendous for her and our family. Thankfully, she's doing great, but it was her religious checking of her breasts and a routine mammogram that ensured that she is still alive today. 
So please please please go for your smear tests, check your breasts, and look after yourselves. 

Take a look at this post by London Beauty Queen to read for yourselves what happens when results are abnormal 

Love Kirsty xxx

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