I requested a sample of face wash from a company called JooMo, and promised I would review it for them. I usually use Clinique skin care, but as this new product from JooMo was 100% natural, I thought I'd give it a go.
I must admit, I'm pretty useless when it comes to keeping up with my skin care regime. Most of the time I take my makeup off with a remover wipe and fail to cleanse and moisturise afterwards...tut tut! I'm not sure whether this is pure laziness or whether the products I'm currently using bore me! Either way, something has to give because I'm not getting any younger and neither is my skin!
On the day that my sample arrived, I decided to take a note of how I felt about the packaging of the product, as this is often what first attracts me to cosmetic items.
Here is the sample I was sent (I say sample but this looks pretty much full sized to me)
I noted that the design was quirky, original, eye catching, young and vibrant, without being tacky looking. The shape of the face wash was the usual shape that I would associate with a skin care product, and this helped to keep the product in the familiar.
I then turned the product over to read the description and the ingredients, which ensured me that the wash was 100% natural. Thumbs up from me for that.
Next, I opened the lid and discovered the most scrummy smell of cinnamon, honey and orange! It instantly reminded me of Christmas, cinnamon buns and spiced tea! Yum! After that I couldn't wait to try it!
I squeezed a blob of the runny face wash into the palm of my hand, added a little luke warm water, and applied it to my face. It didn't foam up like a normal wash would, however it felt silky and smooth on my face, almost gentle you might say. I then rinsed my face clean and patted it dry.
And guess what...the gorgeous cinnamon scent kept cropping up all day! I kept getting a strong whiff of spice everywhere I went and it took me a while to realise it was my face!!! My skin felt soft and smooth all day too!
I love this new natural face wash! It smells divine, it looks great, and it's gentle on sensitive skin..perfect!
Order yours now from www.joomo.coop
You won't regret it!!!
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Chow for now lovelies
Love Kirsty xxx